El gamo (Dama dama), es sin duda, una de las especies de boca cervuna más espectaculares, caracterizadas por su cornamenta aplanada, muy diferente a la del resto de los representantes de la familia.
Lo más característico de esta especie es su cornamenta, que cuando está plenamente desarrollada es bordeada por una serie de pequeños puntos llamados "spellers" (deletreadores). Otra característica clave de estos individuos es el sonido que emiten los machos durante la reproducción, conocido como "la ronca", para advertir a otros machos de su presencia y atraer a las hembras.
Os dejo una serie de fotos que he realizado, espero que os gusten!
The fallow deer (Dama dama), is undoubtedly one of the most spectacular species of mouth cervuna, characterized by flattened horns, very different from the rest of the family representatives. It was originally distributed throughout Mediterranean Europe, as well as in the area between Turkey and Iran. With the last glaciation, its distribution has been reduced to some areas of the Mediterranean basin. In Spain it was reintroduced as in the rest of Europe.
The most characteristic of this species is its antlers, which when fully developed is bordered by a series of small points called "spellers" (spellers). Another key characteristic of these individuals is the sound that the males emit during reproduction, known as "the hoarse", to warn other males of their presence and attract the females.
I leave you a series of photos that I have made, I hope you like them!
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